8 Best Indoor Plants For Your Bathrooms

In the modern times of today, houseplants have become a common household name. People are putting plants in their rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Houseplants can be seen successfully thriving mostly everywhere in houses. Bathrooms have become an ideal spot for most indoor plants.

The warm steam of the showers, the slight sun rays coming in from the bathroom window, and the most humid walls provide the best environment for indoor plants to be kept in the bathroom. The indoor plants in the bathroom act as air purifiers, while also giving the aesthetic green touch to the bathroom. 

All indoor plants do not thrive in humid rooms that do not receive a lot of sunlight. You will have to choose specific plants closely examining the environments they thrive in. If you want to include an indoor plant in your bathroom, below mentioned are eight plants for bathrooms in Australia that will work best as per your need.


A bathroom that has classic white marble flooring with a statement Zanzibar plant on a pedestal can do wonders for your bathroom decor. The Zanzibar plant possibly is the easiest plant to grow indoors. The Zanzibar plant will thrive in low light. You do not have to necessarily place it near the bathroom window.



The scientific name of Zygocactus is Schlumbergera bridgesii . The name is hard to say but it is not hard to look at, that is assured. You can place a Zygocactus near a window and it will look lovely all year round draping down from the window or a high shelf that you have placed it on. It flowers during the seasons of autumn and winter. During the flowering season, it will give you a burst of beautiful colors.

One thing that you will have to be cautious about while placing a zygocactus in your bathroom is that you will have to take care not to put them in a place where they will be knocked off, as the stems of zygocactus are delicate and tend to break easily.



When it comes to the plants that fall under the category of hanging plants, Boston fern is one of the best, as it is a low-maintenance wonder. The boston fern can be grown in any kind of pot, ranging from a hanging basket to a large pot stand. The boston fern is a feathery in nature.It drapes around beautifully.

Boston fern is one of the best plants to bring into your humid bathroom environment.The bathroom environment suits it the best as it requires a humid environment to thrive.You can place a big boston fern and it act as one of the best plants for bathroom, in  Australian region and will  give it a dramatic effect.



Mostly orchids thrive in hot and humid conditions. Phalaenopsis orchid is another amazing indoor plant that thrives successfully in indirect sunlight. Phalaenopsis is an orchid that loves a high humidity environment and therefore it does extremely well in a bathroom environment,with only a little natural light. It is a very low maintenance plant. 



Peace lily is another  plant for bathroom, which is extremely low maintenance. It is extremely difficult to kill it as it thrives successfully without much care. Peace lily like other indoor plants thrives in indirect light .Peace lily has big wide leaves. It purifies the air, and also at the same time makes the surroundings look warm, lush and fabulous.



The Japanese maple ( Acer palmatum), is not strictly an indoor plant as it can thrive well in direct sunlight as well. This terrific feature of this plant allows us to have the best of both worlds, as we can grow it inside as well as outside.The Japanese red maple grows to a height of 15–25′ and a spread of around 20′ at maturity.



If you want  a little texture and colour, peperomia is the best choice for you. Peperomia is a plant for bathroom  that is easy to grow indoors, depending on the light levels. 

Snake Plant

8. Snake Plant

From beginners to pros, the snake plant is a favorite of everyone. The reason everybody likes snake plants is because of its easy care requirements and foliage touch. Snake plant is an air-purifying plant. If you place a snake plant in your bathroom, it means you will be having this pot of greenery that will remove impurities like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from your bathroom.


There are many benefits of having plants in bathrooms, they purify the air and also absorb a lot of moisture that can dampen your bathroom walls. Also having plants in your bathroom can increase your energy levels after a shower, as they have a positive effect on  the mind. Studies suggest that having plants in your house can improve  mental health. Overall it is a win-win situation for you to have plants in bathrooms.