8 Common Myths About Labour Hire Companies

We have listed out the top 8 most common myths about labour-hire companies. We think that these myths should be busted and everyone should know the truth behind them.

Without any further delay, let’s dive into the top 8 Common Myths About Labour Hire Companies

Client Myths

The People Who Work At Labour Hire Do Not Have Full-Time Jobs.

This is the most common misconception among our workers or casual tradesmen. Clients assume that because our men are in a contract job, it means they can’t get a full-time job.

It is not the truth. Our job is to find qualified candidates for urgent positions. Many of our tradesmen work part-time or want to work on a temporary contract until they can take a vacation/leave. 

Working through an agency can result in a greater income than working full-time, especially when you consider casual loading and overtime rates.

Labour Hire Quality Is Not Up To The Standards

One common misconception about labour-hire is that tradesmen don’t complete jobs to a high standard.

Fetch is not able to speak for other labour-hire companies. However, we do not accept any tradesmen. We only hire tradesmen who have solid experience and a track record of completing projects on time. 

Our tradesmen have between 5-10 years of experience and have been exposed to various sites and duties every week. This gives them a broad knowledge of all kinds of jobs.

It Is Too Costly To Hire Labour Hire Agencies

This comment is often made by clients after they have seen our hourly rate.

Truth is, labour hire rates are usually lower than standard subcontractor rates. Fetch typically comes up between 10 and 20% below the average rate. 

After factoring in workers’ compensation, liability, insurance, superannuation and payroll taxes, as well as sick days, annual leaves, redundancy, and workers’ compensation it is often more economical than hiring a full-time staff member.

Only Contact Companies When They Want To Place Our Tradesmen

Truth is, our goal is to provide value to all companies we deal with. We update them on the most qualified candidates and keep them informed about market trends. 

Our team spends a lot of time mapping out the market, and we will send tender & award reports to our clients so they can get a head start on future work in their sector.

Contractor Myths

Recruitment Agencies Limit Labour Hire Staff From Going On A Permanent Basis

Truth is, the sole purpose of a recruitment company is to find the perfect match between our clients and our candidates. As this will strengthen our relationships with our clients, it is in our best interests to see our labour-hire employees transition into permanent positions. 

Clients who are looking for permanent staff members will prefer labour hire. The trial period is typically 4-12 weeks. Most candidates transition successfully after this time.

Consultants Don’t Have The Skills Of Tradesmen, So They Don’t Understand What They’re Talking About

Labour hire Sydney consultants who specialise in a specific market. Each week, we speak with over 100 candidates and companies about current projects and duties. We are continually expanding our market knowledge.

Labour-Hire Electronic Time-Sheets Systems Are Very Difficult To Understand

Truth is, this misconception is completely false. While most labour-hire companies use paper time sheets or e-time sheets (sometimes both), Fetch’s time-sheet portal is as simple as logging in to your email or Facebook. 

Each worker is given a username, password and a link to enter weekly hours. After hours have been submitted, they are sent to the email address of the time-sheet approval. 

This will prompt an easy ‘approve’ button. For any timesheets that have been forgotten, we offer a pay run on Tuesday and Thursday.

Once A Project Has Been Completed. Our Work Through The Agency Is Done

Truth is, we are usually notified one week before the end of any placement. This gives us time to make sure that our workers have a smooth transition to their new job. 

Our industry expertise allows us to keep our labour-hire staff busy for 40 hours per week, even on Saturdays. 

We often find that while one client is finishing a project, another is just beginning. 

Final Words

These are the top 8 most common myths about labour-hire companies. We hope that after reading this article, you have clarified the doubts and myths about them.

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