Top 10 Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Most of the time when you have to get some sort of plumbing job done around the house, many homeowners choose to ‘do it yourself or DIY in order to save money and time. A DIY is an extremely popular option among the masses, but as easy as it may seem it should be avoided as there are plenty of things that can go wrong if you do not have the skills and experience needed to carry out these tasks. Avoid these plumbing mistakes as they could end up costing you much more than you think you are trying to save.

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind while you are trying unblocking a drain or sealing a dripping tap, you need to make sure you are not causing more problems for yourself down the track. Some jobs are simply best left to the professionals. Certain plumbing tasks like gas leaks, faulty hot water systems or a leaking roof can be downright dangerous to attempt fixing by yourself.

If you are trying to do it yourself then you should have a good amount of information about the different types of fittings, pipes, solder, and glue as wrongly attempting to fix them can lead to greater problems.

Below mentioned are the top 10 plumbing mistakes you should avoid

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Using incorrect Equipment

If you feel that you would be able to remove a galvanized pipe fitting with an ordinary pipe wrench you have a wrong perception. You can not do it with an ordinary wrench without damaging it as it requires an internal pipe wrench.

However big or small the problem might seem, whether it is a small repair job to fix some toilet problems or a complete bathroom renovation, you need to always make sure that you have all of the right tools in your tool kit to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

DIY Unclogging Drain

DIY or a ‘ Do it yourself means that you as a house owner often attempt to dislodge any blockages with the help of mops or hoses in your house. This can lead to bigger problems if the mop you are trying to unclog the drain with, its head or hose fitting gets stuck in the drain.

Another option that is sought for unclogging drains is using hydro jet equipment to clear them but is not only dangerous, but it can also cause further damage to your pipes and drains. Whether it is your shower drain, external sewers, or stormwater drains, blocked drains can be a nightmare.

Only a trained professional should be using power drain cleaning equipment, as if not used properly it can lead to further damage.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Over Tightening Plumbing Connections

It is very common that when we fix any issue in the bathroom, we try to do it in such a way that it won’t happen again, like over-tightening any plastic fittings in your toilet and supplying tubes that connect faucets. Only a little extra pressure is required to seal supply tubes, but the way we tighten the nuts excessively might break them and lead to leakage.

Applying extra force to tighten plumbing fixtures such as bolts used in toilets, pipe fittings, and supply tubes is one of the most common plumbing mistakes. The fitting of black or galvanized pipes, elbows, tees or coupling may crack due to excessive cranking.

It is not necessary that the cracking might occur instantly. If extra force has been applied during the installation process, it may lead to the breaking of the fixture some days or weeks later and this may lead to flooding.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Not Turning The Water Off

One of the most common plumbing mistakes that most of us make is not turning the water off before starting the repair work. If you are trying to fix a valve and the water supply has not been turned off it can result in major flooding of your kitchen or bathroom and a very expensive mess. Always make sure that you always shut off the main water supply before starting any DIY plumbing job.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Not Having Enough Spare Parts

People who are not trained or lack experience in plumbing work like the DIYers will make the mistake of only having the part they need to fix the problem. They will not carry spare parts in case more work is required. If we take an example, you have a faucet repair job in the bathroom, so in layman’s logic, it means that you will only be replacing the washer or cartridge, but there are equal chances that the O-rings and gasket will need replacement as well. If you want to save your precious energy and want to avoid another trip to the hardware store, you need to ensure that you buy all the parts the first time around.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Faulty hot water system

A faulty hot water system can lead to a lot of inconveniences, as a cold morning shower is never welcome, therefore it is extremely important for your hot water system to be repaired or replaced if it is obviously an urgent matter.

You should never attempt hot water system installation and also not repair a hot water system yourself. In this case help from a professional should always be taken as nobody can do this job in a better way. A professional plumber will not only do the job accurately but will also ensure safety. With the advancement in technology, there are a number of hot water systems available in the market that include solar water heating systems, electric and gas energy sources, storage,  instantaneous systems, and heat pumps.

All these hot water systems mentioned above work differently, and also to determine the nature of the fault and the repair required there are totally different methods, so just in case you are planning a DIY, do not do it. The combination of electricity, water, and gas in any combination is extremely dangerous.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Gas leaks

You need to turn off the supply and call for assistance immediately if you smell a rotten egg scent or a gas leak. Injury can be caused by both natural gas and LPG as they can prove hazardous to health. To ensure the safety of your loved ones and your property you should hire a professional plumber to work on gas service issues, somebody who is trained and holds the appropriate license.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Sweating a Copper Pipe with Water

If you are making an attempt to sweat copper pipes you need to ensure that the copper fittings and pipes must be dry. The joint will leak just in case there is water near the area you are working on.

If you use a torch to heat the water with the primary aim of making it evaporate while soldering, it will never work. Only pin holes will be created due to the steam.

Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

Inadequate Slope

If the slope is not correct it can cause issues as excessively high slopes are not ideal for plumbing. You are wrong if you assume that higher slopes will make everything easier.

What higher slopes do is they make the liquids move faster and solids slower, thus solids will be left behind and this will lead to problems. The best slope should be ¼ ‘’ for every foot.


There are some jobs simply best left to the professionals, as doing them yourself will lead to greater problems. The above-mentioned are 10 plumbing mistakes you should avoid while you are trying to fix gas leaks, faulty hot water systems, or leaking roofs at your house, as they can be downright dangerous to attempt alone.

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