Pros And Cons Of Wood Floors You Should Know

The quality and timeless beauty of beautiful wood floors is something nobody can deny. The wooden planks of your wooden flooring can be retouched and refinished time and again and nothing can stop your wooden flooring from lasting for almost a century. Also according to a study, homes that have a wooden floor get the most resale value.

Having wooden floors in your house comes with many advantages but it is not necessarily the best choice for every room, especially rooms or areas in your house that are easily moisture-prone like kitchens. 

It is advisable that the installation of hardwood should be prevented in rooms where wet conditions are likely to prevail. The installation of wooden planks against concrete slabs is also not advisable, as moisture can easily migrate through the concrete and lead to swelling and deterioration of wood quality over time.

Kitchens are places in the house that mostly are described as semi-moist, or variability in the amount of moisture due to changing seasons. Depending on the nature of your household, whether the kitchen is open and nearby the living area,  the majority of traffic gets there or not, it can be decided if you want to get a wooden floor or not.

You will have to keep certain things in mind like the qualities of Harwood, and you will also have to take certain precautions mentioned later in this article if you are considering getting a wooden floor for your kitchen.

Below mentioned are the pros and cons of wood floors.

Pros Of Wooden Flooring

A Long-Term Investment

Wood Floors

If you take good care and maintain the wooden flooring of your house it can be assured that it will last almost a century. In comparison to other flooring options available in the market these days, getting a wooden flooring might seem expensive at first, but there is no need for you to replace them every 10 or 20 years like the other types of flooring. The value of wooden flooring has increased over time and therefore it will give you good returns.

While considering getting the flooring done the budget is always an important factor, but these days, wood floorings are available as both expensive and inexpensive options.

There are different options available in the market these days like carpets and vinyl flooring that can make your floor look attractive, but they need to be replaced after a certain duration in comparison to wood flooring which simply requires to be refurbished. 

The benefit of getting your wooden floor refurbished is that it helps to refresh the flooring to its original state while maintaining its luster and finish. You can prevent your wooden floor from potential damage by refurbishing it, which will last years.


Wood Floors

There is no better option than getting hardwood flooring done if you are including things of organic origin in your house, and also it has been increasingly popular because it’s the healthiest option available with an organic origin. Wooden flooring is biodegradable.

If you want to build an environmentally friendly house that is sustainable, wooden flooring will help you to reduce the environmental impact. The toxicity levels are less and also it produces less biodegradable waste when refurbished, in comparison to the vinyl floorings. 

Better For Babies

Wood Floors

If you are considering getting the flooring done in your child’s room, there is no better option than wooden flooring. If you have kids around the age group of one to three who have just learned how to crawl or walk, getting a wooden flooring is the best option as it is harmless and non-toxic. According to research kids exposed to wooden flooring have improved motor skills.

Another reason why wooden floorings are preferred over others in houses with growing children is that they are simple to clean and maintain. There are times when potentially harmful things can be beneath a carpet but with wooden floorings, this is not the case and parents usually tend to appreciate wooden flooring. 

Cons Of Wooden Flooring

Prone to termite attack

Wood Floors

Wood comes from nature and is therefore biodegradable and prone to attacks from termites as they feed on wood, and most modern homes are built by keeping such dangers in mind. Different categories of wood are prone to termite attacks on different levels and this is why choosing the right type of wood is important to avoid such problems. It is important to notice small damages to the wooden floor as termites usually destroy the wood from the inside out.


Wood Floors

Maintaining wood flooring can be a task as it is prone to have dents and scratches, therefore you need to take proper care of it if you want it to look prim and proper all the time. There are chances that you might end up staining your floor by spillings liquids. 


Wooden flooring

If you have water seepage you should expect the growth of molds or fungus around your wooden flooring. The combination of wood and water provides an excellent environment for molds and fungus to grow. They commonly can be seen growing in the gaps between the top and sub-layer of the floor. Initially, this growth is not visible to the naked eye but you might discover molds later as they spread and start destroying the top layer of the hardwood floor.


One of the most desirable flooring materials is hardwood. A good hardwood floor always adds value to a home. In comparison to other flooring materials hardwood floors are somewhat high-maintenance.  Wooden flooring adds warmth, character, and style to any property whether it is old or new.

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